
Friends of the CIEN Foundation

Being a Friend of the Center for Research on Neurological Diseases (CIEN) is a meaningful way to support and raise awareness about research into neurological diseases, particularly neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and other dementias.

By participating in this initiative, you are helping one of the most prestigious research centers in Spain and contributing to improving the future of patients who currently lack effective treatments.

Additionally, whether you are an individual or a private company, becoming a Friend of the CIEN Foundation offers tax benefits.

If you would like additional information about this initiative, please contact us at

tarjeta-colaborador FRIEND COLLABORATOR

Annual Donation: €50 to €249

  • Receive a "Friend of the CIEN Foundation" card.
  • A pen from the CIEN Foundation.
  • A gift from the "Remember Edition."
  • Certificate of donation.
  • Join the email distribution list to receive updates about the CIEN Foundation.
  • Invitation to Friends of the CIEN Foundation meetings and other informative events.
  • Discounts on services provided at the center.
Become a Collaborating Friend
tarjeta-protector PROTECTIVE FRIEND

Annual Donation: €250 to €2,999

  • Receive a "Friend of the CIEN Foundation" card.
  • An "I Remember" bracelet designed by Morè.
  • A gift from the "Remember Edition."
  • Certificate of donation.
  • Join the email distribution list to receive updates about the CIEN Foundation.
  • Invitation to Friends of the CIEN Foundation meetings and other informative events.
  • A copy of the latest Annual Report of the CIEN Foundation.
  • Personalized clinical and cognitive assessment*.
  • Discounts on services provided at the center.
Become a Protective Friend
tarjeta-benefactor BENEFACTOR FRIEND

Annual Donation: €3,000 or more

  • Receive a "Friend of the CIEN Foundation" card.
  • A pen from the CIEN Foundation.
  • A gift from the "Remember Edition."
  • Certificate of donation.
  • Join the email distribution list to receive updates about the CIEN Foundation.
  • Clinical and cognitive assessment with a personalized Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) study*.
  • Invitation to Friends of the CIEN Foundation meetings and other informative events.
  • Discounts on services provided at the center.
  • A personalized counseling session.
  • Updates about the use of your contribution and progress in the sponsored project.
  • Opportunity for a guided tour of the Foundation's facilities.
  • With prior consent, your name and/or logo will be featured on our website and in our annual report.
Become a Benefactor Friend

(*) Clinical and Cognitive Assessment Details: This includes a clinical interview and a battery of individualized neuropsychological tests to identify potential cognitive deficits and their significance. The process involves: A one-hour session for the interview and cognitive examination. Preparation of a detailed report with key findings and recommendations. Periodic follow-ups to assess changes over time.