

The Center for Research on Neurologic Diseases (CIEN) was set up with the aim of supporting, promoting and coordinating research in all fields of basic, clinical and epidemiological neurology, with special emphasis on problems related to neurodegenerative diseases.

Throughout its trajectory, CIEN has carried out various tasks, standing out for its unifying and coordinating role of leading Spanish research groups in this field.

In addition, it was assigned the management of the Vallecas Alzheimer Reina Sofia Project (VARS), once the Reina Sofia Foundation ceded the use of the Reina Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Centre (CAFRS) building to CIEN.

On 18 January 2006, H.M. Queen Sofia, President of the Reina Sofia Foundation and Ms. Elena Salgado Méndez, Minister of Health and Consumption and President of the Board of Trustees of CIEN signed an agreement by which the former ceded to the latter the premises and equipment dedicated to the research of the VARS Project, committing CIEN to the management of the research, strictly adhering to its mission and establishing the objectives, actions and relevant actions according to the same.

The CIEN allows for priority research into Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, with studies such as SCAP-AD or VARS, and complementary research into other neurodegenerative diseases, such as frontotemporal dementia with the Madrid-DFT Consortium study.
