Dr. Antonia Gutiérrez Pérez
Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Málaga - PI at CIBERNED.
Dr. José Ramón Naranjo Orovio
Neurobiologist at the National Biotechnology Centre (CSIC)- PI at CIBERNED.
Dr. Isabel Fariñas Gómez
Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Valencia- PI at CIBERNED.
Dr. Raquel Sánchez-Valle
Head of NRL Service, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona.
Dr. José Obeso Inchausti
Director CINAC - PI at CIBERNED.
Dr. Inga Zerr
Director Memory Unit Goettingen University. Goettingen.
Dr. Teresa Gómez-Isla
Head of NRL Service Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston.
Dr. Bruce Miller
Director Memory and Aging Center (UCSF). San Francisco.