
Research Ethics Committee of the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III).

The CIEN, since June 2010, is supervised for clinical research projects and for the activity of the Tissue Bank by the Research Ethics Committee of the Carlos III Institute of Health.

Its functions as the external reference committee of the BT-CIEN are as follows:

  • To carry out the ethical evaluation of requests for the transfer of samples and associated data. In the event that the committee issues an unfavourable opinion, this will be binding.

  • To advise the head of scientific management on the suitability of the procedures established to guarantee the quality, security and traceability of the data and samples stored and the procedures associated with the operation of the biobank, from an ethical point of view.

  • To advise the person in charge of scientific management on the ethical and legal aspects foreseen in the biobank's good practice document.

  • Decide on the cases in which it will be essential to send individualised information to the source subject, in relation to the foreseen transfer of their samples and the results of the analyses carried out when they may be relevant to their health.

  • To assist the person in charge of scientific management on other matters that the latter may submit for its consideration.