
Employment exchange

To be eligible for the Employment exchange, candidates must meet the following requirements at the time of submitting their application and maintain them until the formalization of the contract, if applicable:

1.- Legal capacity. - Possess the legal capacity to enter into a contract, in accordance with Article 7 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995, of March 24 (published in the Official State Gazette on March 29), which approves the Consolidated Text of the Workers' Statute Act.

2.- Qualifications. - Hold the required academic degree or be in a position to obtain it before the application deadline. If the qualification was obtained abroad, candidates must provide proof of its official recognition or professional accreditation. If recognition or accreditation has not been granted by the application deadline, this requirement may be temporarily fulfilled—provided that the hiring body considers the qualification equivalent—by submitting proof that the recognition or accreditation process has been initiated. However, the contract will be terminated if, by the end of the probation period, official recognition or accreditation has not been obtained, or if the competent authority issues a rejection. A conditional approval subject to additional requirements will be considered a rejection.

3.- Certification. - Candidates must not have been dismissed from public service through disciplinary proceedings, nor be barred from holding public office by a final court ruling. Candidates who are not Spanish nationals must not have any disciplinary sanctions or criminal convictions in their home country that would prevent them from accessing public service.


Candidates must provide the following documents:

1. Cover letter.

2. Spanish nationals: A photocopy of their National Identity Document and Social Security card.

3. Nationals of a European Union member state: Proof of nationality, by submitting a photocopy of their identity document or passport, as well as their EU Resident Card if residing in Spain, along with a photocopy of their Spanish Social Security card.

4. Non-EU foreign nationals: A photocopy of their identity document or passport, residence permit, work permit, and Spanish Social Security card.

5. Curriculum Vitae.

Applications must be sent to the following address:
Applications must be submitted in digital format (paper applications will not be accepted):

  • By email:

NOTE: Please include "Job Pool Fundación CIEN" in the email subject line.

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