
Board of Trustees

Modification of the Articles of Association

In the 2017 financial year, at the meeting of the Board of Trustees held on 14 December 2017, the Board unanimously approved the proposed modification of the Articles of Association and its recasting, empowering the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to appear before a notary, to notarise the modification and recasting and to transfer it to the Protectorate and the Register of Foundations.

The proposed modification is as follows: In accordance with art. 29 of Law 50/2002, of 26 December, on Foundations), the CIEN Board of Trustees has made the following observation: ‘In accordance with the provisions of article 129 of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, the statutes of each foundation shall determine the Public Administration to which it shall be attached. The text of the Statutes must make this assignment explicit, which is different from the exercise of the Protectorate’.

This observation has been included in paragraph 4 of article 1 of the statutes and has the favourable report of the State Lawyer, and is submitted to the approval of this Board of Trustees: ‘4. The Foundation is of state scope and competence and is attached to the General State Administration’.

See articles

The Board of Trustees is made up of the following members:

Honorary President
Dª Diana Morant Ripoll

Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities

Dª Eva Ortega Paino

Secretary General for Research

Vice President
Dª Marina Pollán Santamaría

Director General of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

Born Vowels
Dª. María Eloísa del Pino Matute

President State Agency of the Higher Council for Scientific Research

D. Javier Padilla Bernáldez.

Director General of Public Health, Quality and Innovation of the Ministry of Health

D. Pedro Gullón Tosio

Director of the Department of Public Policy of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government

D. José Fernández Albertos

Director of the Department of Public Policy of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government

Dª. Maria Pilar Gayoso Diz

Deputy Director General for Evaluation and Promotion of Research of the ISCIII

Dña. Loreto del Valle Cebada

Director General for Research Planning of the Regional Ministry of University, Research and Innovation of the Andalusian Regional Government

Dª Montserrat Bango Amat

Director General for Health Planning of the Regional Ministry of Health of the Principality of Asturias

Born Member and Secretary
D. Agustín González González

Deputy Director General of Networks and Cooperative Research Centres of the ISCIII

Legal Advisor
Dª Clotilde de la Higuera

State Attorney's Office

D. Pascual Sánchez Juan

Scientific Director of CIEN

Dª. María Ángeles Pérez Muñoz

Manager of CIEN

D. José Luis Nogueira Guastavino

Secretary of the Queen Sofia Foundation

Dª. Mª. Dolores Donoso Mencía

Assistant to the Secretariat