Bases of the call
Deadline: 30 / 09 / 2022Participants must meet the following requirements on the deadline date of submission of applications and maintaining them until the contract is formalized:
1.- Legal capacity: To have the legal capacity to contract, in accordance with article 7 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995, of 24 March (B.O.E. of 29 March), which approves the Revised Text of the Law of the Workers' Statute.
2.- Qualifications: To be in possession of the required academic qualifications or be in a position to obtain them before the deadline for the submission of applications. In the case of a foreign qualification, the credential of its homologation or recognition for professional purposes must be presented. In the event that it has not been approved or recognised by the closing date for the submission of applications, this requirement may be replaced, provided that the awarding body presumes that the qualification is equivalent to that required in the call for applications, by that of accrediting that the procedure for approval or recognition has been initiated, The contract shall be terminated if at the end of the probationary period the homologation or recognition has not been presented and in any case if the competent authority resolves its refusal, it being understood that there is refusal when this is conditional on the fulfilment of certain requirements.
Functional compatibility. Not suffering from illness or physical or mental limitations incompatible with the normal performance of the corresponding tasks or functions.
3.- Qualification: Not to have been dismissed from the service of any of the Public Administrations by means of disciplinary proceedings, nor to be disqualified from the performance of public functions by a final judicial decision. Candidates whose nationality is not Spanish must not be subject to any disciplinary sanction or criminal conviction that would prevent them, in their country, from access to the civil service.
Documents to be provided
Candidates must provide the following documents:
- Cover letter
- Currículum Vitae
- Qualification and justification of the merits provided.
- For candidates of Spanish nationality, a photocopy of their National Identity Card and a photocopy of their Social Security card.
- Nationals of a Member State of the European Union must prove their nationality by presenting a photocopy of the corresponding identity card or passport and the Community Resident card if residing in Spain and a photocopy of the Spanish Social Security card.
- Candidates of non-EU foreign nationality must present a photocopy of the corresponding identity card or passport, residence permit, work permit and Spanish Social Security card.
- Reference people to contact.
In general, it will be assessed:
- Academic record and professional career
- Contributed scientific and/or technical experience
- Work experience
- English knowledge
Applications will be sent to the following address:
It is essential that applications be delivered in digital format
By email:
Applications must be submitted in digital format (paper applications will not be accepted):
The absence of these requirements will exclude the participant from the selection process.
NOTE: put in the subject line of the e-mail: Bolsa de empleo Fundación CIEN
The period to present allegations will be 5 days from the publication of the resolution provisional.
If the period of stay is not completed, the beneficiary must return the amounts received, except in cases of force majeure.